Butler National Corporation Announces FAA-Approved STC for Replacement Clock with USB Chargers in Learjets

Butler National Corporation Announces FAA-Approved STC for CHRONOS® Digital Clock with USB Chargers on Learjets

June 17, 2024


WICHITA, Kan. — Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics today announced Butler National Corporation (OTCQX: BUKS), a leading manufacturer and provider of support systems for commercial and military aircraft and a recognized provider of management services in the gaming industry, has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) approval of the CHRONOS® digital clock, that includes USB-A and USB-C chargers, on Learjet Model 24, 24B/D/E/F, 25, 25B/C/D/F, 28, 29, 31, 31A, 35, 35A, C21A, 36, 36A, 55, 55B, 55C, 60 and 60XR airplanes.

The FAA STC approval, STC No. ST00235MC authorizes the replacement of the existing OEM-installed clocks with the Avcon Industries, Inc./ Butler Avionics, Inc. designed installation of the Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics CH93 Series CHRONOS® Digital Clocks with USB Chargers. The installation fits within the same panel location and requires only circuit breaker and wiring changes.

Christopher Reedy, President and Chief Executive Officer of Butler National Corporation said, “Butler is pleased to have worked with Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics to offer this very desired USB charging capability in the cockpit. Butler/Avcon has designed this retrofit installation to minimize customer impact and down time. Mr. Reedy added, “We received interests and requests to provide the new USB charging capabilities for the flight crew. CHRONOS mechanically installs the same as the existing clock. Butler Avionics will make STC kits available for field installation of the clock with USB chargers. The STC is presently applicable to legacy Learjets and the extension of the applicability to other models will be gauged upon customer interest.”

“CHRONOS is a simple, drop-in replacement for most existing clocks,” said Van Winter, Director of Aftermarket Sales and Support for Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics. “This cost-effective upgrade adds superior, FAA-approved functionality to the flight deck with minimal impact to the instrument panel.”

For more information about Butler National Corporation’s STC for replacement clocks on Learjet aircraft, contact Patrick Hupp at 913-829-4606 or Christopher Reedy at 913-780-9595. To learn more about CHRONOS Digital Clocks with USB Chargers, please visit mcico.com.

About Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics

Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics manufactures, overhauls and repairs aircraft instruments, avionics, and advanced power solutions for the global aerospace industry. Mid-Continent supports general, business, and commercial aviation, defense and special missions, advanced air mobility and electric aircraft. The company manufactures more than 25,000 units per year and processes more than 15,000 units in its overhaul, exchange, and repair operation. The Quality Management System of the Wichita, Kansas Manufacturing Facility is AS9100D and ISO9001:2015 certified. For additional information, visit mcico.com.

About Butler National Corporation

Butler National Corporation operates in the Aerospace and Professional Services business segments. The Aerospace Products segment includes the manufacture, sale and service of electronic equipment and modifications to aircraft structures and electrical systems to support special mission and commercial aviation operations. Additionally, we operate two Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") Repair Stations. Butler National companies, Avcon Industries, Inc. and Butler Avionics, Inc. concentrate on enhancements to Learjet, Beechcraft King Air, Cessna Caravan, Gulfstream, and other turbine powered aircraft. Butler National-Tempe designs and manufactures robust electronic controls and cabling. The Professional Services segment includes the management of a gaming and the related dining and entertainment facility in Dodge City, Kansas. Boot Hill Casino and Resort features approximately 500 slot machines, 16 table games and a DraftKings branded sportsbook.

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